Bridgizz and 180 Amsterdammers are proud to be partner of the renowned festival MediaBites. The focus of MediaBites Amsterdam is on talent, innovation and technology in the media.
PlayandPeace formulated a challenge which seeks to connect people throughout Brussels, via sports. PlayandPeace seeks funding for a modern football pitch « a Cruyff Court » in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
We are excited to invite you to join in on our 180 Amsterdammers 4 & 5 May activities.
On 9 april Meram, Bridgizz and 180 Amsterdammers present Ahmed Chawki live in the Meervaart. This concert is a concert…
We are pleased to announce that 180 Amsterdammers is an official partner of Incleaders. The Inclusion Leaders Network (INCLEADERS) is an inclusive leadership network for diverse leaders. Incleaders is inspired by the Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network (TILN), and works to support diverse talent and inclusive decision-making across the Netherlands through knowledge and information sharing, leadership development, and connecting emerging and established leaders.
180 Amsterdam is an official partner of Diwan Awards Holland. Diwan Awards Holland is an internationally recognized award for talented Dutch people with a Moroccan background. Diwan Awards originated in Belgium and was created in 2013 to publicly recognize and honor Belgians with a Moroccan background for his or her achievements and positive contribution to society.
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One year after the attacks PlayandPeace is well underway to get funding for Brussel’s first Cruyff Court. PlayandPeace asked a group of musicians from Belgium and the Netherlands to compose a song about the theme and this is when “Change Our Game” was created. In this song, the musicians call for reflection and reconciliation. A song contest is linked to the song and everybody is asked to join in.
Bridgizz en The CEDAR Network hebben de handen ineengeslagen om dit jaar de eerste editie van de Nederlandse Diwan Awards te organiseren. The Cedar Network en Bridgizz promoten de diversiteit in het land en werken aan de verbinding in de maatschappij. Diwan Awards is een niet te missen evenement waarbij men kennis gaat maken met een evenement waarbij samenwerking en successen binnen onze multiculturele samenleving voorop staan.
The Inclusion Leaders Network (Incleaders) celebrated its 1st anniversary with a reception at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence of US Embassy The Hague, hosted by Chargé d’Affaires Shawn Crowley.