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On Sunday the 28th and Monday the 29th of May, 180 Amsterdamers and Diwan Awards will organize a unity dinner / iftar in the Royal Foyer together with Meram Restaurants, Ieder1 and Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam.
Op donderdag 22 december a.s. om 20.00u presenteren Bridgizz en YOUnite het boek “180 Amsterdammers” bij restaurant Meram in Amsterdam. Ontdek de verhalen van 180 Amsterdammers in het boek 180 Amsterdammers. Hoe zijn ze in Amsterdam terecht gekomen en hoe hebben ze van Amsterdam ‘hun’ stad gemaakt.
180 Amsterdam is an official partner of Diwan Awards Holland. Diwan Awards Holland is an internationally recognized award for talented Dutch people with a Moroccan background. Diwan Awards originated in Belgium and was created in 2013 to publicly recognize and honor Belgians with a Moroccan background for his or her achievements and positive contribution to society.
Afgelopen maandag, 21 november, was er een speciaal diner georganiseerd voor alle 180 Amsterdammers die aan het 180 Amsterdammers project…
With our 180 Amsterdammers project we celebrate the diversity of Amsterdam and it’s citizens. In the past few weeks there…
We are excited to invite you to join in on our 180 Amsterdammers 4 & 5 May activities.
On 9 april Meram, Bridgizz and 180 Amsterdammers present Ahmed Chawki live in the Meervaart. This concert is a concert…
We are pleased to announce that 180 Amsterdammers is an official partner of Incleaders. The Inclusion Leaders Network (INCLEADERS) is an inclusive leadership network for diverse leaders. Incleaders is inspired by the Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network (TILN), and works to support diverse talent and inclusive decision-making across the Netherlands through knowledge and information sharing, leadership development, and connecting emerging and established leaders.
Bridgizz and 180 Amsterdammers are proud to be partner of the renowned festival MediaBites. The focus of MediaBites Amsterdam is on talent, innovation and technology in the media.
On Thursday 22 December Bridgizz and YOUnite launched the book “180 Amsterdammers” at restaurant Meram in Amsterdam.
In an ever-changing world the discussion regarding multiculturalism is just around the corner. With over 180 nationalities, Amsterdam is scoring high marks on diversity. The city considers this mix as an asset. 180 Amsterdammers is a unique project with 180 portraits and interviews of as many nationalities that add flavour to the city.
WE AR Amsterdam; A virtual pixel artwork made by and for the city that is view-able in Augmented Reality from various places in the city. Everyone can leave a message or drawing through the app.
Zondag 28 en maandag 29 mei organiseert 180 Amsterdammers i.s.m. Diwan Awards, Restaurant Meram, Ieder1 en Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam een verbindingsdiner/iftar in de Koninklijke Foyer. 28 mei is uitverkocht. Voor 29 mei is er nog een beperkt aantal kaarten beschikbaar.
Op zondag 12 februari persenteren 180 Amsterdammers en het Joods Cultureel Kwartier een evenement in het Joods Historisch Museum. Tentoonstelling…
180 Amsterdammers is partner of the Cineblend Festival. CINEBLEND FESTIVAL is the new name for the Beeld voor Beeld festival, a yearly documentary film festival focusing on issues of cultural diversity, now in its 27th year.